This website has been archived for historical purposes.
The Membrane Domain



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About this web:

This web was established by a cooperative of musicians, writers, computer wizards, businessmen, videots, and just plain interested individuals. We have entitled the project

The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment.


    Fed up with archaic systems, and frustrated with unsuccessful attempts to alter them, we decided to abandon our preconceived notions of how things ought to be done. Perhaps, if you will, in the same vein as our forefathers.

  • SPIRIT ?

    The goal of the spirit experiment is to completely circumvent the normal channels and trappings of the "Business World." How could we replace all the formalized formulas with feelings? How could we avoid the "posing," contrived writing, playing, and performing methods that have completely replaced the humanity and spirituality in our expression? The desired result:


    bring reality out using spiritual emotion.

    This would mean no rote learning. No practicing. No rehearsing. Just raw emotions without thought to their acceptance. Could we eliminate our innate tendency to be self-conscious? Could we allow our individual emotions to flow together toward oneness?

    The idea is being put to practice (or should I say lack-of-practice) with music , literature, business, moving pictures and , and have contact with a human. No matter what your problem or question, feel free to make contact. In the event that homo-sapiens are available, we will attempt to help you on the spot. Should you receive an e-mail form, please explain your question as best you can. We will try to reply as soon as possible.

    Now, please click here to enter the Membrane Domain.


    C. Moore