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||||||| Backup Early & Often... Ira Serkes

Backup early and often... they way they vote in Chicago! 

BASIC ISSUE - Your computer it worthless. It is a commodity which can be easily replaced by a better, faster machine for less money than you paid for it in the first place.  


What's the worth of a customer? What if you lose them. Back up your critical data - such as databases - at least once or twice a WEEK, and more often if you're doing lots of stuff. 

KEEP THE BACKUP in another location - NOT next to your computer.  We just bought a Zip Drive by Omega. For about $350, we got the drive, 11 disks, and a carrying case. Disks are about $12-15 each for 100 Meg. It's great!
(you can now get a 100 meg Zip Drive for $95, and disks are $10 each - Gary)

Incremental backup is just a backup of items which have changed. For instance, most of the files in my computer don't change, so I can just select the files which have changed and add them to previous backup.  Many files, notably Quicken and Databases have to be backed up in full, since any change in any record changes the modification date & time  

Ira's Rules of Backup:

1 - Your computer will don't know when. My hard disk failed 6 days after I bought it while in the midst of my first backup!

2 - Backup early and often!

3 - Make at least 3 different backup sets.

4 - Store the most recent backup OFF SITE...As soon as I backup, I put it into my car, then take it to the office, and take the office backup back home. I've even sent one set of backup disks to a friend 1,000 miles away!

5 - Consider a combination of full and incremental backups. I do a full backup of my database, because if I make one change in a record, it's as if the entire file was modified. I do incremental backups of my working documents - letters, flyers, etc. Incremental backups only back up the things which have changed since the last backup.

6 - Organize your desktop in a logical way (Macspeak spoken here, Windows people need to edit it) System Folder/System Files - Backup infrequently (every few weeks or even months), Application Folder/Applications Backup infrequently (every few weeks or even months), Working Documents/Letters - Backup incrementally every few hours, Database - because of the nature of my database; 15,082 contacts, 30.8 Megabytes, I do full backup every 1-2 days!

Hope that helps...The people who backed up their files and put them next to their computer lost it all during the Berkeley Hills Fire several years ago...including a draft of a book! Your hardware & software is replaceable, your data is your business.

ALSO - if you use a personal computer at home, MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE PROPER INSURANCE. Your homeowner's policy PROBABLY DOES NOT COVER IT!!!  We bought a special insurance rider. Take photos of your equipment too! Can you tell that our house was once robbed while we were sleeping in it????  No, they didn't get the computers, but they did steal our peace of mind!


Ira & Carol Serkes - Berkeley, California, USA
Co-Author of Nolo Press' "How To Buy A House In California"
CRS-Certified Residential Specialists, ABR-Accredited Buyer Representative
ValueStar Certified - Given Only To Businesses with Very High Levels of Customer Satisfaction
We Help Nice Folks Buy And Sell Great Homes in Berkeley, Albany, Kensington, El Cerrito, Emeryville, North Oakland/Trestle Glen, and Piedmont in the San Francisco East Bay's most pleasant neighborhoods Search the web for ALL homes on the market
Two Toll-Free Numbers - 800/887-6668 or 888/Buy-Berkeley[888-289-2375]