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Summary of Results
The results of the questionnaire indicate that customers have a favorable perception of security on transit systems and believe their transit properties are addressing security issues. The following is a summary of information presented in this report.

Transit Customers

Staying alert was the most common security precaution reported by customers on transit systems. The presence of security cameras and police officers surpassed intercoms and lighting as the items contributing the most to feelings of security.

Customers of transit systems with more than 250 buses have a lower perception of security than customers of smaller systems. Transit users in the northeast viewed the area surrounding the transit system as least secure. Passengers feel slightly(10%) more secure on transit systems than in the adjacent areas. Additional findings showed:

  • 80% feel secure to very secure on transit systems.
  • 77% believe their transit agency is addressing security issues.
  • 14 % reported having observed a major security situation.
  • 26% believe security has improved and 6% believe security has declined.

Transit Vehicle Operators

In general, transit vehicle operators do not feel as secure as customers either on the transit vehicles or in the areas surrounding transit systems. Consider the following comparisons:

  • 26% of operators, compared to 48% of customers, reported feeling very secure on the transit system.
  • 34% of operators, compared to 14% of passengers, have observed a significant security situation.
  • 53% of operators interviewed, compared to only 23% of transit customers, feel their transit system is not addressing security issues.
  • 27% of operators, compared to 10% of customers, indicated they do not feel secure in the areas around the system.
One of the explanations for the lower feeling of security by transit operators could be that over thirty percent of the operators interviewed have observed significant security issues, while only 14% of the customers interviewed had witnessed such situations. The operators spend much more time on the system than passengers and therefore are more likely to observe situations that breach security.

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