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The Membrane Domain

The Crazy Anagram Contest

made possible with help from
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If you can decipher the meaning of this:


We'll send you SIDD


If you can figure the meaning to the anagram, we'll ship to you... free of charge... a take home version of S.I.D.D. (self-imposed discipline distortion).

SIDD is what 2001 was. Except, SIDD is not fiction. And, SIDD lives.

Help usher in the age of Aquarius. Experience the flattening of the universe.


As crazy as it may seem, sometimes the answer is staring you right in the face. But, just in case you need a little help, here are pages that contain clue #1 and clue #2.

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Psychetechnical Edgineering by

Can Ya Figger It Out?

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