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Oak adds to the Mars conversation...

I think the possibilities to send humans to Mars would be no problem at all. We have the technology. The problem is what do they do once they get there?

I mean, what did we really accomplish sending people to the moon? We were able to say we did it, that's what. (All movie rights aside.) At this point we can make robots that do just about anything a human would do, why not send robots until it profits us to send a human, or until one is needed?

Considering the ten year transit, I don't think we'll ever see the colonization in our life times anyway. Even if they started construction tomorrow, it would still take 90 some odd years and more money than exists to do it.

I think the most convincing piece I've seen lately that someone is trying to get leverage is all this stuff coming out about cold fusion. It's by-products could create most of the harder stuff we'd need to sustain life there. (ie. water, killer amounts of energy) Does anyone know if it will work in a partial vacuum?

The fact that bacteria lived on Mars doesn't surprise many of the Biology Professor friends that I have. We found a bunch of micro- organisms that didn't make it. There are other bodies in the solar system where micro-organisms are making it (at least I think I read that somewhere besides a Michael Critchen book). This doesn't add or subtract to the ability we have to go up there with a bubble and MAKE an environment where micro organisms could grow. I think our big concerns should be, A.) what killed the little things off, and B.) what caused Mars to loose it's atmosphere if it had one.

Who knows, maybe martians populated earth billions of years ago. I think I'll go back to my episode of "Sightings" now.

Another interested party...

Hi! My name is Alvaro and I do the Tiempos Industriales (Industrial Times) fanzine here in Mexico. I saw a review from your band here on the net and was wondering if you'd be interested in being on my please if you can send me info about you guys (pics,flyers,demo or wahtever) my street adresss is Calle 2 #425, Col.Villa Azul.San Nicolas NL,cp 66420 Mexico. Please write back as soon as possible...bye and thanks.
My email is

Willie asks Capn...

What did you have in mind for a parakeet animation?

Capn says...

If you could have a little parakeet flying around the screen (either the sky as the background, or pantone blue so we could overlay it later), then the parakeet starts to grow and turns into a big evil parakeet.... if that could be done...?????
Let me know...

Capn answers an inquiry...

Our project is a co-operative which is creating many things, including an interactive rock and roll movie.

Would you be interested in participating??

C. Kinney replies...

I would be very interested in aiding you in your project. I would like to request some info on: what stage of production you are in? what software or file format you are using? I would also like an outline of your ideas. What type of music? Please respond by E-mail and send as much info as you can. Thank You for responding to my first message.

Capn says...

Excellent, we are in several stages of production. We have completed a couple preliminary music videos, which we hope to use in the final product.

We are in the process of shooting and animating for the next video, eventually we want to put the whole thing together as one big interactive product.

I use Adobe Premiere to do the editing. We are shooting on 8mm and super 8. As we grow so will our quality level.

If you crawl in-and-out of, you will come across the beginning of the teche-update pages. These pages document email sent between our members, and could provide you with an outline of our progress.

The music of the S.H.I.T.S. is all original, all spontaneous rock, no songs are ever pre-written or rehearsed.

As well, we have begun some spin-off projects for bands who do rehearse their tunes.

What are your areas of specialty?? Video shoots, animation, other ???

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