This website has been archived for historical purposes.
The Membrane Domain

JOIN THE SLUGFEST ... where our sole concern is soul.

Joining in on the slugfest ...

Become part of

The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment

... your membership includes:

Mostly, surprises ... because we like surprises. Besides, each membership is handcrafted. You will tell us, and we will listen.

( ... passing through different planes as you participate in the Philadelphia Spirit Experiment. Members will help guide you to "guided spontaneity" ... sort of like having your own guardian angel?) An annual membership is $100.00 for the first one hundred members, thereafter; the price will be $1,000.00.(current rate = $1,000 U.S.) The price will be multiplied by ten for every additional hundred members. As long as a member keeps him(gender neutral) self in good standing, he may renew his annual membership at the "grandfathered" rate for the remainder of his life.

If you are unable to afford the monetary price of the membership, you may opt to work your way through . Enter "have desire, but no money" in the subject line after clicking below.

For a membership application, please press here.