This website has been archived for historical purposes.
The Membrane Domain

cd d:\industrial\noize\pollution

How to order:

cd d:\industrial\noize\pollution's Horton's Wood Shed
is $7.00 for a 90 minute cassette tape, or $14.99 for a 70 minute Mini-Disc -- including shipping, handling (and PA sales tax if shipped within PA.) Orders shipped outside of the United States of America will be subject to an additional $3.50 shipping & handling charge.

Before placing your order, you may wish to visit our membership section.

If you are under eighteen years of age, you must first read the

Please enter your name and mailing address:

If the order is to be shipped outside of the USA, please check here. (An additional $3.50 will be addded to your total.)

e-mail address

Please choose your listening format:

  • Cassette tape
    Though we use the highest quality normal biased cassette tape, you may wish to upgrade to the highest quality chrome (type II) tape for only $2.00 more.

  • Mini-Disc (Sony compatible)

    Please choose your payment method:

    Expiration Month: Expiration Year:

    Credit Card Number:

    Snailmail. Payment instructions will follow.

    Thank you.
    Please press this button
    to feel the noize: