This website has been archived for historical purposes.
The Membrane Domain

Dog's Tooth Violet Order Form

How to order:

Dog's Tooth Violet's demo is $6.95 for the 8 song cassette tape -- including shipping, handling (and PA sales tax if shipped within PA.) Orders shipped outside of the United States of America will be subject to an additional $3.50 shipping & handling charge.

The Songs

Hole - 1995
Daddy - 1995
Their Eyes Closed - 1995
Inner Fear - 1994
Deviant - 1994
Soul Manic - 1994
If I Have to Stay - 1994
In A Land - 1994

Please enter your name and mailing address:

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Please choose your payment method:

Expiration Month: Expiration Year:

Credit Card Number:

Snailmail. Payment instructions will follow.

Thank you.
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to submit your order: