1031 Corp. is a full service 1031 tax-deferred exchange facilitator. We have assisted investors throughout the country in saving millions of dollars in capital gains. As a member of the Federation of Exchange Accommodators (FEA), 1031 Corp. is always current with industry news and changes. Our documentation has been prepared by seasoned attorneys and accountants with expertise on Section 1031.
We have presented hundreds of seminars throughout the country educating investors, attorneys, accountants and Realtors on the many benefits of Section 1031. As an additional service, we publish our INVESTMENT PROPERTY LISTING to assist our clients sell and locate investment properties. Our INVESTMENT PROPERTY LISTING (IPL) is mailed monthly to a mailing list consisting of 1031 Corp. clients, investors and Realtors. Our on-line version is undated bi- monthly.
Special instructions sent to all parties,
attorneys, Realtors and any other applicable parties to
ensure compliance with the regulations.
Preparation of all necessary
documentation, including 1031 exchange addendum for both
properties, exchange agreements between exchanger and intermediary and escrow
All documentation includes model and protective 1031 Clauses.
Preparation of all documentation in
advance to give you ample opportunity to review.
All documentation written in user-
friendly language by attorneys and accountants with
experience in Section 1031.
On call representation at all exchange
No additional fee to use 1031 Corp.
or our affiliate, T.A. Title Insurance Company, as your
escrow agent. Both 1031 Corp. and T.A. Title Insurance are bonded and insured.
Exchanger receives all interest earned
on the escrow account.
Exchanger receives
a complete post-exchange packet containing copies of all pertinent
exchange documentation, including a complete accounting statement
for the escrow account.
distributed to all 1031 Corp. clients as well as a mailing list of investors and Realtors. Our
LISTING is also accessible on our web site.
We can facilitate your exchange at a moment's notice.