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The Membrane Domain

Welcome to the Birthplace
and the Playground
of the Nation

Visitors from Belgium, on a three-week grand bus tour of Northeastern America, were unexpectedly pleased to discover the wonders of Philadelphia and its surprising environs.

Why so?

On their tour, the Cradle of Liberty was just a rest stop between the Big Apple and the Nation's Capital, an urban Jurassic Park way past its peak, situated some where between Amish Country and the Casinos, a sprawling cauldron of ethnic neighborhoods and stately reminders of Ben Franklin and Billy Penn.

Moreover, they had no idea that the birthplace, and the playground, of the nation, extended to countless sites throughout the tri-state area.

Were it not for the enthusiasm and resourcefulness of their American friends, they would surely have missed the magic of Montgomery County and the surrounding areas. A quick sweep across this attractive and accessible landscape persuaded them to return another day for a much closer look.

Please explore our Philadelphia Region.