Trumpet Man

Trumpet Man is shareware software that allows your computer to dial the phone and talk to the Internet. You may never directly touch it. You may decide, or be forced, to dial by hand. This is where you would do -- by clicking on the "TCPMAN" icon ( not to be confused with TRMPTEL. )
Here is the technical mumbo-jumbo:

Configuring The TCPMan program

1) From the DOS prompt, edit your system path to include the following:
You can do this by adding the path to your "SET PATH=" line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, or by directly setting the path at the DOS prompt with:
(Note that the C:\WINDOWS\INTERNET\WINSOCK directory must be in your system path, or else your software will not run correctly.)

2) Run Windows.

3) Click on the INTERNET icon to select it, then click on the TCPMan icon to run it.

4) In TCPMan, go to the FILE menu option and select SETUP. This brings up a window of settings. First, click on the box next to INTERNAL SLIP/PPP to select that option. Then, click on the USE PPP box. Now, edit the following fields:

IP Address: Should be (dynamic addressing)
Name Server: Name Server 1 on config. sheet.
Time Server: Same as above. Name Server 1 on config. sheet.
Slip Port: Your modem's COM port. For example, if your modem is hooked up to COM1, then your SLIP Port would be 1.
Baud: The baud rate of your modem. (Default is 19200 for HST/14.4s, 38400 for 28.8s and up)

Select HARDWARE HANDSHAKE by clicking its adjacent box.

5) When you have finished changing the setup, click OK. You will get a message telling you to restart TCPMan so the changes will take effect. Click OK.

6) Go to the DIALER menu option and select EDIT SCRIPTS.

7) You will see a file window showing LOGIN.CMD and BYE.CMD. Double- click LOGIN.CMD to select it.

8) You will now see a dialing script. If you are not dialing in to the main number, then change the line:
output atdt\r
changing < -- through -- > to the phone you wish to dial. Next, use the PgDn key to get to the group of lines that say:
input 30 username:
# Enter your username ******enter user name on next line
output replace_with_your_username\13

Insert your account name (from the config. sheet) on the output line, so it looks like this...
output myname\13 (Where "myname" is your account name)

9) Do the same for your password output line.
output mypass\13
(Where "mypass" is your account password)
NOTE: Remember that the username and password are case-sensitive, and should be entered exactly as printed on the config. sheet. If it's lowercase, enter it in lowercase.
Also, make sure that there is no space between the username/password and the "\13".
The group of lines should look like this...
input 30 username:
# Enter your username ******enter user name on next line
output myname\13
# and the password
input 30 password:
# Enter your password ******enter your password on next line
output mypass\13

10) When you are finished, go to the FILE menu and choose SAVE, to save this file.

11) Finally, still in the DIALER menu, select OPTIONS.
You will see three choices. Select AUTO LOGIN AND LOGOUT ON DEMAND.
This will allow TCPMan to automatically dial the PPP service when you run an Internet application (such as Telnet or FTP).
Click OK.

12) Exit TCPMan.